
I’m a certified Tarot practitioner and astrology enthusiast from South Africa.
I’ve been spiritually inclined for as long as I can remember, and I’ve been working with Tarot for over 7 years.
I use Tarot as a tool for personal growth, spiritual- and self-development. My sessions are focused on helping you gain clarity on what you’re going through, offering up practical insights and inspiration that you can use to move forward, make decisions, or face whatever you’re facing with more confidence and understanding. My aim is to encourage and inspire you into a place of greater empowerment than what you were in before having a reading from me.
(present participle verb) becoming greater, broader, larger or more extensive in size, capacity, importance or scope; developing or expressing in fuller form or greater detail; unfolding
Expanding Sapience is a space I’ve carved out on the internet where I explore and share thoughts, experiences and wisdom that I’ve found to be interesting or valuable throughout my life. There are a few pillars, things that I’m learning and working to cultivate, which form the foundation of Expanding Sapience.
Seeing life through different lenses.
When we open our minds to the unfamiliar we increase our capacity for wisdom.
That’s what this is about. Whether it’s learning about people, cultures, science, art, philosophy, or even in casual interactions; if we are willing and able to learn from the things that exist outside of us, to discern what’s valuable and what’s not, and to take that wisdom and allow it to help us grow internally, we can become greater versions of ourselves.

“Sapience is the brain basis for what is unique in human cognition . . . It is the basis for the development of whatever capacity for wisdom we see in humans. Wisdom develops over the life of an individual as a result of sapience functions obtaining tacit knowledge and using that knowledge to form moral, strategic, and systemic judgments.”
– George Mobus

Explore, embrace, evolve.
I’ve had this tag-line long before Expanding Sapience got it’s name, (even before the days it was called Routine Magic, if anyone remembers). It’s a reflection of what I try to do. I’m curious by nature, and I believe that there’s power in open-mindedness and a willingness to learn and be positively influenced.
Courage, authenticity and healthy compassion.
You’ll often hear me saying, at the end of my videos and readings and consultations, ‘Whatever you’re going through, have courage, and when needed, be kind.’ Or something similar. I think that empathy, compassion, courage and authenticity can be applied to most of the challenges that life presents us with, and that if we have the tools and knowledge to show up embodying those qualities when appropriate and in healthy ways, we can rise to any occasion without anyone having to suffer needlessly, and without compromising anyone’s values..
★ Need a little guidance? Get a Tarot Reading from me 🙂 ★
Aligned empowerment.
Most important journeys begin inside ourselves. Whether you want success or freedom or joy or love, whether it’s your career or your purpose, your relationships or your health, maybe you have a desire to reach your full potential or cultivate inner peace; whatever it is you want will require you to empower yourself to get it.
Doing the inner and outer work, from being mindful and self-aware, developing cognitive empathy, discernment skills, healing old wounds, learning to set boundaries, letting go, forgiveness, healthy communication and habits, and all the rest that’s required for us to live as the best and healthiest versions of ourselves… These are the things that help us to bravely be our truest selves and build lives that are fulfilling in the unique ways we each need them to be.
And I get it; it’s not easy. That’s one reason why I began doing Tarot readings for myself and others, and it’s one reason for the existence of Expanding Sapience.

The INSIGHTS and experiences I choose to share have in some way added value to my own life.
The readings I offer focus on improving your relationship with your inner and outer worlds, and developing and trusting your own intuition, so you can navigate your life experiences with clarity and confidence.
It’s about being brave enough to face the shadows, and willing to learn and integrate them into the light. It’s about recognising when you’re living in fear, and learning to live in love.